The Flat White

How to Make a Flat White

The exact history of the Flat White is debatable. However, we do know it comes from either Australia or New Zealand. And we thank them for this popular espresso drink. It is important to note that a Flat White is stronger than a latte, but smoother than a cappuccino. Here is how to make it.

First, pull a double shot of espresso into a cup or glass.

Next, steam the milk to 131–143 °F. It is important for baristas to learn how the right temperature feels in their hand when holding the pitcher. Until you do, use a thermometer to take the temperature of the milk.

Make the milk silky smooth. Lightly thump the pitcher on the counter or gently swirl the pitcher of milk to be rid of any bubbles.

Then, make your favorite latte art on the surface of the espresso.

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